


Explore the Rich Culture and Vibrant Traditions of Uzbekistan

Know before you go

The timezone of Uzbekistan is UTC+5.
The official language of Uzbekistan is Uzbek.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Uzbekistan is generally from April to June or September to early November, as the weather is mild and comfortable during these months. Summers can be very hot, while winters can be quite cold, so it's best to avoid extreme temperatures if possible. Additionally, the country has a number of festivals and events during these times, which can provide a unique cultural experience for visitors.
EUR - Euro (€)
UZS - Uzbekistan Som (so'm)
The recommended main transportation in Uzbekistan is the train, as it provides a reliable and relatively efficient way to travel between cities. There is an extensive rail network in the country, connecting major cities and regions. Additionally, buses and taxis are also commonly used for local transportation.


Welcome to Uzbekistan, a country in Central Asia known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture. Explore the ancient cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva, which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and marvel at the intricate tile work and majestic mosques. Immerse yourself in the bustling bazaars, sample delicious Uzbek cuisine, and experience the warm hospitality of the locals. With its diverse landscapes and hospitable people, Uzbekistan offers a truly unique and memorable travel experience.


1. Rich History and Culture: Explore the ancient cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva, known for their stunning mosques, mausoleums, and madrasas.

2. Historic Silk Road: Discover the country's important role in the ancient Silk Road trade route, and visit the historic trading posts and caravanserais that once facilitated international commerce.

3. Natural Beauty: Enjoy the diverse landscapes of Uzbekistan, including the deserts of Kyzylkum and Karakalpakstan, the lush Fergana Valley, and the mountains of the Tian Shan and Pamir ranges.

4. Traditional Crafts: Witness the artistry of local craftsmen producing traditional Uzbek textiles, ceramics, and intricate woodwork at workshops and markets across the country.

5. Exquisite Cuisine: Indulge in sumptuous Uzbek dishes such as plov (rice pilaf), shashlik (skewered meat), and samsa (meat-filled pastries), as well as an array of fresh fruits and nuts.

6. Warm Hospitality: Experience the genuine warmth and hospitality of the Uzbek people, who are known for their traditional customs and welcoming nature.

7. Architectural Marvels: Marvel at the stunning Islamic architecture and intricate tilework at landmarks such as the Registan in Samarkand, the Ark fortress in Bukhara, and the Kunya-Urgench ruins in Khorezm.