


Discover the natural beauty and vibrant culture of Indonesia.

Know before you go

The timezone of Indonesia is UTC+7 to UTC+9, depending on the specific region within the country.
The official language of Indonesia is Indonesian.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Indonesia is during the dry season, which typically falls between May and September. This is when the weather is generally sunny and dry, making it ideal for outdoor activities and exploring the country's natural beauty. However, it's important to note that Indonesia is a vast country with diverse climates, so the best time to visit may vary depending on the specific region you plan to visit.
EUR - Euro (€)
IDR - Indonesian Rupiah (Rp)
The recommended main transportation in Indonesia is a combination of motorbikes, buses, and trains. This is due to the dense population and traffic in urban areas, as well as the islands and diverse geography of the country. Many people rely on motorbikes for short distances, while buses and trains are used for longer journeys. Ferry services are also important for travel between the islands.


Discover the enchanting beauty and diverse culture of Indonesia. From its stunning beaches to its ancient temples, there's so much to explore in this vibrant country. Plan your next adventure and experience the rich history and natural wonders of Indonesia.


1. Pristine Beaches: Indonesia is home to some of the most beautiful and unspoiled beaches in the world, with popular destinations such as Bali and Lombok offering crystal-clear waters and stunning white sand.

2. Rich Cultural Heritage: Tourists can immerse themselves in Indonesia's diverse culture, with a rich heritage of music, art, dance, and traditional craftsmanship.

3. Breathtaking Landscapes: From active volcanoes and lush rainforests to terraced rice fields and picturesque islands, Indonesia offers stunning natural beauty at every turn.

4. Unique Wildlife: Indonesia is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including the iconic Komodo dragons, as well as opportunities to see orangutans and other rare species in their natural habitats.

5. Vibrant Cuisine: Visitors can indulge in a variety of delicious and spicy Indonesian dishes, with influences from Chinese, Indian, and Dutch cuisines.

6. Adventure Activities: From surfing and diving to hiking and exploring ancient temples, Indonesia offers a wide range of adventure activities for tourists of all interests.

7. Warm Hospitality: With its friendly locals and strong sense of community, visitors to Indonesia are sure to be welcomed with warm hospitality and genuine kindness.