


Discover Togo: Experience Vibrant Culture, Rich History, and Natural Beauty

Know before you go

The timezone of Togo is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+0).
The official languages of Togo are French and various indigenous languages.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Togo is during the dry season, which runs from November to March. This period offers pleasant weather for outdoor activities and sightseeing. Additionally, Togo hosts various cultural events and festivals during this time, providing visitors with a unique opportunity to experience the local culture.
EUR - Euro (€)
XOF - West African CFA Franc (CFA)
The recommended main transportation in Togo is typically by car or motorcycle, as public transportation can be unreliable and limited. Taxis and shared vans known as bush taxis are also common modes of transportation for both short and long distances.


Togo is a West African country known for its diverse culture, stunning landscapes, and vibrant markets. Explore the rich history and natural beauty of Togo with our exclusive travel tips and guides.


1. Rich History and Culture: Togo is home to a wealth of historical and cultural landmarks, including the Aneho, the first capital of Togo, and the Aklakou Waterfall, which holds significant cultural and spiritual importance to the local people.

2. Beautiful Beaches: With its coastline along the Gulf of Guinea, Togo offers stunning beaches for tourists to relax and enjoy the sun and sea.

3. Voodoo Festival: Togo celebrates the Voodoo Festival every January, a vibrant and colorful event where visitors can experience traditional music, dance, and spiritual practices.

4. Lush National Parks: Togo is home to several national parks, offering opportunities for wildlife viewing and nature walks, including Fazao-Malfakassa National Park and Kéran National Park.

5. Local Cuisine: Togo's cuisine is a unique blend of African and European influences, featuring dishes such as fufu, grilled fish, and various delicious stews.

6. Handicraft Markets: Visitors can explore the vibrant markets in Togo, where they can find beautiful handcrafted textiles, pottery, and wood carvings.

7. Friendly People: Togo is known for its warm and welcoming people, providing visitors with a hospitable and enjoyable travel experience.