


Experience the Rich Culture and Natural Beauty of Samoa: A Tropical Paradise Awaits

Know before you go

The timezone of Samoa is UTC+13.
The official languages of Samoa are Samoan and English.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Samoa is during the dry season, which typically runs from May to October. This is when the weather is cooler and there is less rainfall, making it the ideal time for outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, and exploring the beautiful beaches and natural landscapes of the country.
EUR - Euro (€)
WST - Samoan Tala (WS$)
The recommended main transportation in Samoa is by car. While there are some public buses available, having a car provides more flexibility and convenience for getting around the islands.


Discover the vibrant culture and stunning natural landscapes of Samoa. Immerse yourself in the warm hospitality of the Samoan people and explore the pristine beaches and lush rainforests this Pacific island paradise has to offer. Book your unforgettable vacation to Samoa today!


1. Rich Polynesian Culture: Experience traditional Samoan cultural practices and festivities, including dance, music, and tattooing.

2. Stunning Natural Beauty: Explore lush rainforests, serene waterfalls, and pristine beaches with crystal-clear waters and vibrant marine life.

3. Adventure Activities: Engage in exciting activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving, surfing, and hiking in Samoa's diverse landscapes.

4. Fale Accommodation: Stay in traditional open-sided Fale huts for an authentic Samoan experience and to connect with the local community.

5. Delicious Local Cuisine: Indulge in fresh seafood, tropical fruits, and traditional dishes such as palusami and oka, with many dining options available.

6. Cultural Landmarks: Visit historical sites like Robert Louis Stevenson's home, ancient archaeological sites, and traditional villages to learn about Samoa's history and customs.

7. Friendly Locals: Experience the warm hospitality of the Samoan people, known for their welcoming nature and strong sense of community.