
Saint Lucia

North America

Discover the Natural Beauty and Rich Culture of Saint Lucia

Know before you go

The timezone of Saint Lucia is Atlantic Standard Time (AST) during standard time and Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) during daylight saving time.
The official languages of Saint Lucia are English and French Creole.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Saint Lucia is typically during the dry season, which runs from December to April. This time usually offers the most pleasant weather for enjoying outdoor activities and exploring the island's beautiful beaches.
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The recommended main transportation in Saint Lucia is by car or taxi. While the country does have public transportation in the form of buses, the most convenient way to get around and explore the island is by car or taxi.


Discover the natural beauty and vibrant culture of Saint Lucia. From the stunning Pitons to the lively local markets, experience the best of this Caribbean paradise. Plan your trip to Saint Lucia and indulge in the stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and warm hospitality.


1. Stunning beaches: Saint Lucia is home to some of the most beautiful and pristine beaches in the Caribbean, including the popular Reduit Beach and Anse Chastanet Beach.

2. Iconic Pitons: Visitors can't miss the iconic twin peaks of the Pitons, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, offering breathtaking views and great hiking opportunities.

3. Vibrant culture: Experience the rich culture of Saint Lucia through its traditional music, dance, and vibrant festivals such as the Saint Lucia Jazz Festival and Carnival.

4. Eco-adventures: From zip-lining through the rainforest to exploring volcanic landscapes, Saint Lucia offers a wide range of eco-adventures for nature enthusiasts.

5. Luxurious resorts: With an array of luxury resorts and boutique hotels, visitors can indulge in world-class accommodations and pampering amenities.

6. Water activities: The crystal-clear waters of Saint Lucia are perfect for snorkeling, scuba diving, sailing, and deep-sea fishing, making it a paradise for water sports enthusiasts.

7. Delicious cuisine: Sample the delicious local cuisine, a fusion of African, French, and Caribbean flavors, and enjoy fresh seafood while soaking in the laid-back island vibe.