


Discover the Rich Cultural Heritage of Romania, a Land of Charm and Tradition

Know before you go

The timezone of Romania is Eastern European Time (EET), which is 2 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+2). During daylight saving time, it changes to Eastern European Summer Time (EEST), which is 3 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+3).
The official languages of Romania are Romanian.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Romania is typically during the late spring (April to June) or early autumn (September to October) when the weather is mild and there are fewer tourists. This allows for enjoying outdoor activities, sightseeing, and cultural events without the crowds and extreme temperatures. However, each traveler's preferences and interests may vary, so it's important to consider individual factors such as specific activities, events, or regions within the country.
EUR - Euro (€)
RON - Romanian Leu (lei)
The recommended main transportation in Romania is a combination of trains and buses, as they provide access to most areas of the country and are relatively affordable and efficient. Additionally, in larger cities like Bucharest, public transportation such as buses, trams, and the metro is a popular and convenient option for getting around.


Explore the breathtaking landscapes and rich historical heritage of Romania. Discover medieval castles, charming villages, and the stunning Carpathian Mountains. Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and delicious cuisine of this hidden gem in Eastern Europe. Start planning your unforgettable Romanian adventure today!


1. Rich history and culture: Romania is home to stunning medieval castles, charming villages, and a vibrant folk culture.
2. Natural beauty: From the Carpathian Mountains to the Danube Delta, Romania offers breathtaking landscapes and outdoor activities.
3. Delicious cuisine: Visitors can enjoy traditional Romanian dishes such as sarmale, mămăligă, and cozonac, as well as local wines and spirits.
4. Dracula's Castle: Bran Castle is a must-visit for fans of the legendary vampire and offers a fascinating glimpse into Romanian history.
5. Vibrant cities: Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, and Brasov offer a dynamic mix of modern amenities and historic attractions.
6. Affordable travel: Romania is known for its budget-friendly prices, making it an attractive destination for travelers on a budget.
7. Warm hospitality: Visitors to Romania are often charmed by the friendly and welcoming nature of the locals.