


Explore the Fjords and Northern Lights in Beautiful Norway

Know before you go

The timezone of Norway is Central European Time (CET) during the standard time and Central European Summer Time (CEST) during daylight saving time.
The official languages of Norway are Norwegian and Saami.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Norway is typically during the summer months, from mid-June to mid-August, when the weather is at its mildest and the days are long and sunny. This is a popular time for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and exploring the country's beautiful fjords and mountains. In the winter, Norway is also popular for winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding. However, the weather can be quite cold and dark during this time, so it may not be the best time for all travelers.
EUR - Euro (€)
NOK - Norwegian Krone (kr)
The recommended main transportation in Norway is a combination of public transportation and private vehicle use, as the country has an extensive public transportation system including buses, trains, and ferries, as well as well-maintained roads for private vehicle use. Additionally, cycling is a popular mode of transportation in cities and urban areas.


Explore Norway's stunning natural landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and vibrant cities. Discover the beauty of the fjords, experience the thrill of winter sports, and immerse yourself in the Scandinavian way of life. Plan your trip to Norway and create unforgettable memories in this breathtaking country.


1. Stunning natural landscapes: From fjords to mountains, Norway offers some of the most breathtaking and picturesque scenery in the world.
2. Unique cultural experiences: Visitors can explore traditional Sami culture, visit the famous Viking ship museums, and experience Norwegian folk traditions.
3. Outdoor adventures: Norway is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts, with opportunities for hiking, skiing, and dog sledding in the winter months.
4. Northern Lights: The chance to witness the mesmerizing colors of the Northern Lights in Norway's Arctic region is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
5. Historic cities: Oslo, Bergen, and Trondheim are just a few of the cities with rich history, charming architecture, and vibrant cultural scenes to explore.
6. Delicious cuisine: From fresh seafood to traditional Nordic dishes, Norway offers a unique culinary experience for visitors.
7. Sustainable tourism: Norway is a leader in eco-friendly and sustainable travel, making it an ideal destination for environmentally conscious tourists.