
New Zealand


Explore the Breathtaking Beauty of New Zealand's Natural Wonders

Know before you go

The timezone of New Zealand is New Zealand Standard Time (NZST), which is UTC+12 in the winter and New Zealand Daylight Time (NZDT), which is UTC+13 in the summer.
The official languages of New Zealand are English and New Zealand Sign Language.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit New Zealand is during the Southern Hemisphere summer, which runs from December to February. During this time, the weather is mild and many outdoor activities, such as hiking, surfing, and wildlife watching, are at their best.
EUR - Euro (€)
NZD - New Zealand Dollar ($)
The recommended main transportation in New Zealand is by car or by using public transportation such as buses and trains. Additionally, domestic flights are also commonly used for traveling between the North and South Islands.


Discover the natural beauty and adventure of New Zealand, with stunning landscapes, adrenaline-pumping activities, and rich Maori culture. Plan your unforgettable trip to this island nation in the South Pacific today.


1. Breathtaking natural landscapes: New Zealand is known for its stunning natural scenery, including pristine beaches, lush forests, and majestic mountains.

2. Adventure sports paradise: Visitors to New Zealand can partake in a wide range of adventure sports, such as bungee jumping, skydiving, and skiing.

3. Maori culture and history: The indigenous Maori culture is a significant part of New Zealand's identity, and tourists can learn about their traditions, art, and history.

4. World-class wineries: Wine enthusiasts will enjoy exploring the vineyards and tasting the renowned wines produced in regions like Marlborough and Hawke's Bay.

5. Lord of the Rings filming locations: Fans of the popular film series can visit several iconic filming locations throughout the country, such as Hobbiton and Mount Sunday.

6. Wildlife encounters: New Zealand offers opportunities to observe unique wildlife, including the famous kiwi bird, seals, dolphins, and rare species of penguins.

7. Scenic drives and hiking trails: Tourists can explore New Zealand's beauty on scenic drives and hiking trails, such as the Milford Sound and Tongariro Alpine Crossing.