


Experience the Rich Culture and Stunning Landscapes of Morocco

Know before you go

The timezone of Morocco is Western European Time (WET), which is UTC+0 in the standard time, and Western European Summer Time (WEST), which is UTC+1 in the daylight saving time.
The official languages of Morocco are Arabic and Berber.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Morocco is during the spring (April to May) or fall (September to October) when the weather is mild and pleasant. Summers can be very hot, especially in the desert regions, and winters can be quite chilly, so it's best to avoid visiting during these seasons if possible. Keep in mind that the specific ideal time to visit may vary depending on the activities or regions of the country you are interested in.
EUR - Euro (€)
MAD - Moroccan Dirham (د.م.)
The recommended main transportation in Morocco is by train, as the country has an extensive and efficient railway network that connects major cities and towns. Additionally, traveling by train in Morocco offers a comfortable and scenic way to explore the country.


Discover the vibrant culture, beautiful landscapes, and rich history of Morocco. Plan your next adventure to explore the bustling markets, stunning architecture, and breathtaking natural wonders of this North African gem.


1. Rich cultural heritage: Morocco is home to a diverse and rich cultural heritage, with influences from Berber, Arab, and European cultures. Visitors can experience a wide range of traditions, music, and cuisine.

2. Stunning landscapes: From the Atlas Mountains to the Sahara Desert, Morocco offers a range of breathtaking landscapes for tourists to explore. Whether hiking, camel riding, or simply taking in the views, there's something for everyone.

3. Vibrant markets: Morocco's bustling traditional markets, or souks, are a vibrant hub of activity where tourists can shop for handcrafted goods, spices, and unique souvenirs.

4. Exquisite architecture: The country is known for its stunning architecture, from the intricate tile work of its mosques and palaces to the winding streets of its historic medinas.

5. Delicious cuisine: Moroccan cuisine is a highlight for many visitors, with its flavorful tagines, couscous, and mint tea. Food tours and cooking classes offer a chance to fully immerse in the local culinary scene.

6. Rich history: With a history dating back to ancient times, Morocco is home to many well-preserved historic sites, such as the Roman ruins of Volubilis and the medieval city of Fes.

7. Warm hospitality: Moroccan people are known for their warm hospitality, making visitors feel welcome and at home during their stay. From traditional riads to luxury resorts, there's accommodation to suit every traveler's needs.