


Unearth the Rich History and Stunning Landscapes of Moldova, a Hidden Gem in Eastern Europe

Know before you go

The timezone of Moldova is Eastern European Time (EET), which is UTC+2, and Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) during daylight saving time, which is UTC+3.
The official languages of Moldova are Romanian and Russian.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Moldova is during the spring (April to June) or the autumn (September to October). During these times, the weather is mild and there are various cultural events and festivals to enjoy. Summer can also be a good time to visit for warm weather and outdoor activities, but it can be crowded with tourists. Winter is generally cold and best suited for those interested in winter sports.
EUR - Euro (€)
MDL - Moldovan Leu (L)
The recommended main transportation in Moldova is by bus, as it is the most common and reliable mode of public transportation in the country. Additionally, many parts of the country are well connected by a network of bus services, making it a convenient option for getting around.


Moldova, located in Eastern Europe, is known for its rich history, beautiful countryside, and well-preserved monasteries. Explore this hidden gem and discover its unique culture, delicious cuisine, and charming towns off the beaten path.


1. Rich cultural heritage: Explore traditional Moldovan folk music, dance, and crafts in picturesque rural villages.

2. Wine tourism: Enjoy visits to local wineries and vineyards, and taste some of the country's renowned wines, such as Cricova and Milestii Mici.

3. Historical landmarks: Visit the stunning Orheiul Vechi archaeological site, the medieval fortress of Soroca, and the iconic Cricova underground wine city.

4. Natural beauty: Take in the picturesque landscapes of the Dniester River, Orheiul Vechi Natural and Cultural Reserve, and the stunning countryside dotted with monasteries and churches.

5. Local cuisine: Indulge in traditional Moldovan dishes like mamaliga (cornmeal porridge), placinta (flatbread with various fillings), and sarmale (cabbage rolls stuffed with meat and rice).

6. Adventure activities: Embark on outdoor adventures like hiking in the Codru Reserve, birdwatching in the Danube Delta, and boating or fishing on the pristine Prut River.

7. Hospitable locals: Experience the warm hospitality of the Moldovan people, who are proud to share their traditions and customs with visitors.