

North America

Discover the Vibrant Culture and Rich History of Mexico - A Must-See Destination!

Know before you go

The timezone of Mexico is Central Standard Time (CST) or Central Daylight Time (CDT) depending on daylight saving time.
The official language of Mexico is Spanish.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Mexico is typically during the dry season, which runs from late November to April. During this time, the weather is usually warm and sunny, making it perfect for exploring the country's many beautiful beaches, ruins, and cities. However, it's also important to consider the specific regions you plan to visit, as the climate can vary widely from one area to another.
EUR - Euro (€)
MXN - Mexican Peso ($)
The recommended main transportation in Mexico is the metro system. It is an efficient and widely used method of getting around in major cities like Mexico City and Guadalajara. Additionally, buses and taxis are also commonly used for transportation throughout the country.


Explore the vibrant culture, rich history, and stunning natural beauty of Mexico. From ancient Mayan ruins to beautiful beaches and delicious cuisine, Mexico offers a diverse and unforgettable experience for travelers.


1. Rich cultural heritage: Mexico is renowned for its vibrant and diverse cultural landscape, including ancient civilizations, colonial architecture, and lively traditions such as Day of the Dead and mariachi music.

2. Culinary delights: From street tacos to gourmet dining, Mexico is a paradise for food lovers, with a wealth of delicious and diverse dishes to tantalize the taste buds.

3. Stunning natural beauty: From the crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean coast to the rugged terrain of the Copper Canyon, Mexico offers a breathtaking array of natural landscapes to explore and enjoy.

4. Historical landmarks: Mexico is home to a plethora of stunning historical sites, including the ancient Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza, the grandeur of Mexico City's Zocalo, and the rich history of colonial towns like Taxco and San Miguel de Allende.

5. Vibrant cities: Mexico's major cities, such as Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey, offer a dynamic mix of modern amenities, cultural attractions, and bustling nightlife.

6. Adventure activities: From diving in the cenotes of the Yucatan Peninsula to hiking in the Sierra Madre mountains, Mexico offers a wide range of adventurous activities for thrill-seekers.

7. Warm hospitality: Visitors to Mexico can expect to encounter warm and welcoming locals who take pride in sharing their country's beauty and hospitality with tourists.