
Marshall Islands


Discover Pristine Paradise in Marshall Islands - Unforgettable Adventure Awaits

Know before you go

The timezone of the Marshall Islands is GMT+12.
The official languages of the Marshall Islands are Marshallese and English.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit the Marshall Islands is during the dry season, which typically runs from December to April. This is when you'll find the most pleasant weather, with little rainfall and lower humidity. Keep in mind that the Marshall Islands are at risk of tropical storms and typhoons during the wet season from May to November, so it's best to plan your visit during the dry season for a more enjoyable experience.
EUR - Euro (€)
USD - United States Dollar ($)
The recommended main transportation in the Marshall Islands is by boat or by air. Given its geography as a collection of atolls and islands in the Pacific Ocean, boats and planes are the primary modes of transportation for inter-island travel.


Discover the beauty of the Marshall Islands, an enchanting destination in the Pacific Ocean. Explore the stunning beaches, vibrant cultural heritage, and rich marine life. Plan your unforgettable trip to the Marshall Islands today.


1. Pristine Beaches: The Marshall Islands boasts some of the most beautiful and unspoiled beaches in the world, perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and snorkeling.
2. Rich Culture: Visitors can immerse themselves in the indigenous Marshallese culture, including traditional dance, music, and crafts.
3. World War II History: History buffs can explore the remnants of the war in the Marshall Islands, including sunken ships and aircraft.
4. Diving and Snorkeling: The crystal-clear waters surrounding the islands offer incredible opportunities for underwater exploration, with vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life.
5. Local Cuisine: Sample traditional Marshallese dishes, including fresh seafood, tropical fruits, and coconut-based desserts.
6. Water Activities: From kayaking and paddleboarding to deep-sea fishing and sailing, there are plenty of water-based activities to enjoy.
7. Remote Island Getaways: Explore the lesser-known atolls and islands, where you can experience seclusion and tranquility in a natural paradise.