


Discover the Charm and Culture of Latvia: A Hidden Gem in Eastern Europe

Know before you go

The timezone of Latvia is Eastern European Time (EET), which is UTC+2 during standard time and UTC+3 during daylight saving time.
The official languages of Latvia are Latvian and Livonian.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Latvia is during the summer months, from June to August, when the weather is mild and the days are long. This is a great time to explore the country's national parks, beaches, and historic cities like Riga. Additionally, Latvia's famous Midsummer Festival, known as Jāņi, takes place in late June and is a great opportunity to experience traditional Latvian culture.
EUR - Euro (€)
EUR - Euro (€)
The recommended main transportation in Latvia is the use of public transportation such as buses, trams, and trains. There is an extensive network of public transportation in Latvia, making it an efficient and convenient way to get around the country. Additionally, walking and cycling are also popular modes of transportation in Latvia, especially in the urban areas.


Discover the hidden beauty and rich cultural heritage of Latvia. Explore its picturesque landscapes, charming medieval towns, and vibrant art scene. Plan your perfect getaway to this Baltic gem and experience the unique blend of history and nature.


1. Rich cultural heritage: Latvia is home to numerous castles, palaces, and medieval old towns, offering tourists a glimpse into its fascinating history and architecture.

2. Pristine natural landscapes: From beautiful sandy beaches along the Baltic Sea to lush forests and picturesque countryside, Latvia is a paradise for nature lovers.

3. Riga, the capital city: Explore the charming streets of Riga, known for its stunning Art Nouveau architecture, vibrant art scene, and bustling markets.

4. Active outdoor activities: Visitors can enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities, including hiking, cycling, and water sports in Latvia's diverse natural environments.

5. Delicious traditional cuisine: Sample Latvian dishes such as grey peas with bacon, rye bread, and smoked fish in the country's cozy restaurants and cafes.

6. Rich folklore and traditions: Experience Latvian traditions and folklore through cultural events, music festivals, and traditional celebrations throughout the year.

7. Affordable and friendly atmosphere: Latvia offers good value for money and a welcoming atmosphere, making it an ideal destination for budget-conscious travelers.