


Discover the Diverse Wonders of India: Rich Culture, Ancient History, and Vibrant Landscapes Await

Know before you go

The timezone of India is Indian Standard Time (IST), which is UTC +5:30.
India has two official languages, Hindi and English.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit India is typically during the winter months of November to February, when the weather is cool and dry, especially in popular tourist destinations like Rajasthan, Goa, and parts of South India. The monsoon season from June to September should be avoided for travel, as heavy rainfall can disrupt plans and cause transportation issues.
EUR - Euro (€)
INR - Indian Rupee (₹)
The recommended main transportation in India is a combination of trains and buses. India has an extensive railway network that is a popular and efficient way to travel between cities, and buses are widely used for local and regional transportation. Additionally, in metropolitan areas, metros and public transportation systems are also commonly used.


Discover the rich history, diverse culture, and vibrant landscapes of India. From the majestic Taj Mahal to bustling city streets, India is a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be explored. Plan your next adventure to this captivating country and immerse yourself in its enchanting beauty.


1. Rich cultural heritage: India is home to ancient monuments, palaces, and temples that showcase the country's rich cultural history.
2. Diverse landscapes: From the Himalayas in the north to the beaches of Goa in the south, India offers diverse and stunning natural landscapes.
3. Vibrant festivals: Experience the colorful and lively festivals such as Diwali, Holi, and Navratri that are celebrated throughout the country.
4. Delicious cuisine: Try a variety of regional dishes and street food that make Indian cuisine one of the most popular in the world.
5. Spiritual retreats: Visit famous pilgrimage sites and ashrams for a spiritual and peaceful experience.
6. Unique wildlife: Explore national parks and wildlife reserves to witness the incredible diversity of flora and fauna that India has to offer.
7. Traditional arts and crafts: Shop for intricately designed handicrafts, textiles, and jewelry that reflect the rich artistic traditions of India.