


Experience the Rich Culture and Stunning Landscapes of Hungary, a Hidden Gem in Europe

Know before you go

The timezone of Hungary is Central European Time (CET), which is UTC+1. During Daylight Saving Time, it is Central European Summer Time (CEST), which is UTC+2.
The official language of Hungary is Hungarian.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Hungary is during the spring (April and May) or the early fall (September and October) when the weather is mild and there are fewer tourists. Avoid the peak summer months if you want to avoid crowds and high temperatures.
EUR - Euro (€)
HUF - Hungarian Forint (Ft)
The recommended main transportation in Hungary is the extensive and well-developed railway system. This mode of transportation is efficient and cost-effective for traveling within the country and to neighboring European countries. Additionally, Hungary also has a well-established network of buses and trams for local transportation.


Discover the rich history and vibrant culture of Hungary, from its stunning architecture to its delicious cuisine. Plan your visit to this beautiful country and explore its charming cities, picturesque countryside, and world-renowned thermal baths. With a fascinating blend of tradition and innovation, Hungary offers a truly unforgettable travel experience.


1. Explore the historic capital city of Budapest, known for its stunning architecture and rich cultural heritage.
2. Indulge in the famous Hungarian cuisine, including hearty stews, savory pastries, and delicious desserts.
3. Discover the natural beauty of Lake Balaton, the largest lake in Central Europe, and a popular destination for water sports and relaxation.
4. Visit the ancient wine regions of Tokaj and Eger, and sample some of Hungary's world-renowned wines.
5. Immerse yourself in the country's thermal spa culture at famous bathhouses like Szechenyi and Gellert in Budapest.
6. Experience traditional Hungarian folk music and dance at festivals and events throughout the country.
7. Explore the picturesque countryside and charming villages, filled with historic castles, churches, and traditional crafts.