

North America

Discover the Vibrant Culture and Stunning Scenery of Haiti - A Must-Visit Destination!

Know before you go

The timezone of Haiti is Eastern Standard Time (EST), which is UTC-5.
The official languages of Haiti are Haitian Creole and French.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Haiti is during the dry season, which runs from November to March. This is when the weather is at its most pleasant and there is minimal risk of hurricanes or heavy rainfall. Additionally, many cultural events and festivals take place during this time, making it an ideal time to experience the vibrant local culture.
EUR - Euro (€)
HTG - Haitian Gourde (G)
The recommended main transportation in Haiti is by car or public transportation such as buses or tap-taps (shared taxis).


Discover the vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and rich history of Haiti. Plan your next adventure to this Caribbean gem and experience the unique cuisine, music, and beautiful beaches that make Haiti an unforgettable travel destination.


1. Rich cultural heritage: Explore Haiti's diverse and vibrant culture, from its unique blend of African, French, and Caribbean influences to its music, art, and religious traditions.

2. Stunning natural beauty: Discover Haiti's picturesque landscapes, from its white-sand beaches and turquoise waters to its lush mountain ranges and tropical forests.

3. Historical landmarks: Visit iconic sites such as the Citadelle Laferrière, a UNESCO World Heritage fortress, and the Sans-Souci Palace, both remnants of Haiti's colonial past.

4. Authentic cuisine: Indulge in delicious Haitian dishes, including flavorful stews, fried plantains, and fresh seafood, while experiencing the country's food culture.

5. Voodoo spirituality: Learn about Haiti's spiritual practices, including Vodou, a religion with deep roots in the country's history and cultural identity.

6. Ecotourism opportunities: Engage in sustainable tourism activities, such as hiking, birdwatching, and eco-friendly accommodation options, to support Haiti's natural environment.

7. Local arts and crafts: Shop for handmade goods, including intricate metalwork, colorful paintings, and handcrafted jewelry, to bring home unique souvenirs and support local artisans.