

North America

Discover the Hidden Charms of Grenada: A Tropical Paradise Awaits

Know before you go

The timezone of Grenada is UTC-4.
The official language of Grenada is English.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Grenada is typically between December and April, during the dry season when the weather is sunny and warm. This is also the peak tourist season, so it's best to book accommodations and activities in advance.
EUR - Euro (€)
XCD - East Caribbean Dollar (EC$)
The recommended main transportation in Grenada is by road, using either public transportation such as buses or taxis, or renting a car. There is also a small airport on the island for those traveling between islands or internationally.


Discover the stunning beaches, tropical rainforests, and vibrant culture of Grenada. Plan your perfect Caribbean getaway with our travel guide, featuring must-visit attractions and insider tips for an unforgettable experience.


1. Pristine Beaches: Grenada is home to stunning beaches with crystal-clear water, white sand, and snorkeling opportunities.

2. Spice Market: Experience the vibrant sights, smells, and tastes of the famous spice market, offering everything from nutmeg to cinnamon.

3. Rainforest hikes: Explore the lush rainforests and waterfalls for a unique ecotourism experience.

4. Underwater Sculpture Park: Dive or snorkel to see the incredible underwater sculptures by renowned artist Jason deCaires Taylor.

5. Chocolate factory tours: Indulge in the rich history and flavors of cocoa with a tour of the local chocolate factories.

6. Sailing and boating: Enjoy a day out on the water with sailing, boating, or catamaran tours around the island.

7. Historical sites: Visit the captivating historic sites such as Fort George and the Grenada National Museum for a glimpse into the island's past.