


Discover the Vibrant Culture and Rich History of The Gambia on Your Next Adventure

Know before you go

The timezone of Gambia is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
The official language of Gambia is English.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Gambia is during the dry season, which runs from November to mid-May. During this time, the weather is typically warm and sunny, making it ideal for sightseeing and enjoying the country's beautiful beaches. Additionally, wildlife enthusiasts may also want to visit during the dry season to take advantage of prime wildlife viewing opportunities.
EUR - Euro (€)
GMD - Gambian Dalasi (D)
The main recommended transportation in Gambia is by car or taxi. While there are some public transport options, such as minibuses and ferries, many people travel by car or taxi for greater convenience and flexibility.


Discover the rich cultural heritage and stunning natural beauty of Gambia. Plan your perfect getaway with our guide to the best places to visit, top activities, and practical travel tips.


1. Experience the vibrant culture and music of Gambia, with traditional drumming and dance performances.
2. Explore the beautiful beaches and coastline, with opportunities for water sports and relaxation.
3. Visit the UNESCO World Heritage site of Kunta Kinteh Island and learn about its history as a major slave-trading center.
4. Discover the country's wildlife at the Abuko Nature Reserve, home to a variety of bird species and other animals.
5. Enjoy the local cuisine, with dishes like domoda (peanut stew) and benachin (a one-pot rice dish) showcasing the flavors of Gambia.
6. Immerse yourself in the bustling markets and street life of Banjul, the capital city.
7. Participate in ecotourism activities, such as bird-watching and river cruises along the Gambia River.