


Discover Gabon's Stunning Wildlife and Pristine Beaches

Know before you go

The timezone of Gabon is West Africa Time (GMT+1).
The official languages of Gabon are French.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Gabon is during the dry season, which typically occurs from June to September. During this time, the weather is generally mild, and the wildlife viewing opportunities are at their best. However, it's important to note that specific timing for the best visit may vary depending on the activities you are interested in and the regions of the country you plan to visit.
EUR - Euro (€)
XAF - Central African CFA Franc (FCFA)
The recommended main transportation in Gabon is typically by car or public transport. Roads are the most common way to get around the country, with public buses and taxis being the primary forms of public transport. However, it's always best to check the current situation and recommendations before planning any travel within the country.


Explore the natural beauty and diverse wildlife of Gabon, a hidden gem in Central Africa. Discover its pristine beaches, tropical rainforests, and rich cultural heritage. Plan your unforgettable adventure to Gabon today.


1. Pristine natural beauty: Gabon is home to diverse landscapes including lush rainforests, pristine beaches, and vibrant wildlife, making it a paradise for nature lovers.

2. Rich cultural heritage: Visitors can experience traditional music, dance, and art that reflects the diverse cultural influences in Gabon including Bantu, Fang, and Pygmy traditions.

3. Unique wildlife encounters: Explore the country's national parks and encounter rare and endangered species such as gorillas, chimpanzees, and forest elephants in their natural habitat.

4. Adventure activities: From hiking in the Ogooué River valley to fishing in the crystal-clear waters of Loango National Park, Gabon offers a wide range of adventure activities for outdoor enthusiasts.

5. Coastal exploration: With over 800 kilometers of pristine coastline, visitors can enjoy activities such as snorkeling, diving, and relaxing on the beautiful beaches of Gabon.

6. Eco-tourism initiatives: Gabon is committed to sustainable tourism and conservation efforts, offering eco-friendly experiences that support the country's rich biodiversity and local communities.

7. Cultural festivals and events: Visitors can immerse themselves in Gabon's vibrant culture by attending traditional festivals and events that showcase the country's unique customs and traditions.