


Discover the Magic of Finland: A Land of Northern Lights and Enchanting Wilderness

Know before you go

The timezone of Finland is Eastern European Time (EET), which is UTC+2 in the standard time and UTC+3 in the daylight saving time.
The official languages of Finland are Finnish and Swedish.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Finland is during the summer months from June to August when the weather is warm, and nature is at its most vibrant. This is also the ideal time for outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and experiencing the midnight sun in the northern regions of the country. Additionally, the summer months are when many cultural events and festivals take place, making it a lively and exciting time to visit Finland.
EUR - Euro (€)
EUR - Euro (€)
The recommended main transportation in Finland is by using public transportation, particularly trains and trams, as the country has an extensive and reliable public transportation system. Additionally, cycling is also a popular mode of transportation in Finland, especially in urban areas.


Discover the natural beauty and rich culture of Finland. Explore picturesque landscapes, vibrant cities, and a unique blend of Scandinavian and Russian influences. Plan your unforgettable trip to Finland today.


1. Experience the stunning natural beauty of Finland, from its vast forests and thousands of lakes to the spectacular Northern Lights.

2. Explore the unique Arctic culture and traditions, including visits to traditional Finnish saunas and opportunities to meet the indigenous Sami people.

3. Enjoy the outdoor activities that Finland has to offer, such as hiking, skiing, and snowmobiling during the winter, and kayaking, fishing, and cycling during the summer.

4. Visit the vibrant and modern cities of Helsinki, Turku, and Tampere, where you can enjoy world-class museums, architecture, and dining experiences.

5. Discover the rich history and heritage of Finland by visiting historic sites such as Suomenlinna Fortress and Turku Castle.

6. Experience the unique culinary delights of Finland, including traditional dishes like reindeer meat, fresh seafood, and delicious pastries.

7. Immerse yourself in the Finnish culture and way of life by visiting local markets, attending music festivals, and participating in traditional events like Midsummer celebrations.