


Discover the Enchanting Charms of Estonia: A Must-Visit Destination

Know before you go

The timezone of Estonia is Eastern European Time (EET), which is UTC+2, and during daylight saving time, it is Eastern European Summer Time (EEST), which is UTC+3.
The official language of Estonia is Estonian.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Estonia is usually in the summer, from June to August, when the weather is mild and pleasant. The days are long, and you can enjoy outdoor activities and explore the beautiful nature and historical sites. This is also when many festivals and events take place. However, if you enjoy winter sports, visiting Estonia in the winter, from December to February, can also be a great time to experience the country's snowy landscapes and participate in activities like skiing and ice skating.
EUR - Euro (€)
EUR - Euro (€)
The recommended main transportation in Estonia is by car, as the country has a well-developed road network and driving is a common and convenient way to get around. Public transportation such as buses and trams are also available in the larger cities, but for more flexibility and access to remote areas, a car would be the best option.


Discover the charm of Estonia, a hidden gem in Northern Europe. Explore its rich history, picturesque landscapes, and vibrant culture. Plan your next adventure in Estonia for an unforgettable experience.


1. Rich cultural heritage: Explore Estonia's beautiful castles, churches, and old towns with a wealth of history and architectural beauty.
2. Thriving music and arts scene: Immerse yourself in Estonia's vibrant music and arts culture, with numerous festivals and events throughout the year.
3. Breathtaking natural landscapes: From the picturesque Lahemaa National Park to the stunning Baltic Sea coastline, Estonia offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor adventures and nature exploration.
4. Unique local cuisine: Indulge in traditional Estonian dishes, such as black bread, smoked fish, and hearty stews, as well as modern interpretations of the country's culinary heritage.
5. Charming medieval atmosphere: Wander through the cobblestone streets of Tallinn's Old Town and feel as if you've stepped back in time to the medieval era.
6. Embrace the sauna culture: Experience the Estonian tradition of saunas, a relaxing and social activity deeply rooted in the local culture.
7. Warm and welcoming locals: Immerse yourself in the friendly and hospitable atmosphere of Estonia, where locals are proud to share their country's unique identity with visitors.