
Dominican Republic

North America

Discover the Allure of the Dominican Republic: A Tropical Paradise Awaits

Know before you go

The timezone of the Dominican Republic is Eastern Standard Time (EST).
The official language of the Dominican Republic is Spanish.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit the Dominican Republic is generally between December and April, when the weather is drier and there are fewer chances of hurricanes. This is also the peak tourist season, so there are more activities and events happening during these months. However, it's important to note that the weather can vary depending on the region of the country, so it's best to research the specific areas you plan to visit.
EUR - Euro (€)
DOP - Dominican Peso (RD$)
The recommended main transportation in the Dominican Republic is by car or bus. Public transportation is also available, including guaguas (minibuses) and carros públicos (shared taxis). However, renting a car or hiring a private driver is a popular choice for tourists who want to explore the country at their own pace.


Discover the vibrant culture and rich history of the Dominican Republic. Explore pristine beaches, lush mountains, and historic colonial architecture in this Caribbean paradise. Plan your next vacation to experience the warm hospitality and stunning natural beauty of the Dominican Republic.


1. Gorgeous beaches with crystal clear waters and white sands, perfect for snorkeling, diving, and simply relaxing.
2. Rich and vibrant culture with a mix of African, Spanish, and Taino influences, showcased in the unique food, music, and art.
3. The historic capital city of Santo Domingo, with its charming colonial architecture and cobblestone streets, home to the first cathedral and university in the Americas.
4. Stunning natural landscapes, including lush mountains, waterfalls, and national parks such as El Choco and Los Haitises.
5. Exciting outdoor activities such as zip-lining, horseback riding, and ATV tours in the scenic countryside.
6. Opportunities to explore the island's coffee and cacao plantations, learning about the country's rich agricultural traditions.
7. Colorful and lively festivals and events throughout the year, including Carnaval and Merengue Festival, providing a taste of local celebrations and traditions.