
Burkina Faso


Discover the Rich Culture and Wildlife of Beautiful Burkina Faso

Know before you go

The timezone of Burkina Faso is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
The official languages of Burkina Faso are French and Moore.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Burkina Faso is during the dry season, which typically runs from November to April. This time of year offers pleasant weather with cooler temperatures and minimal rainfall, making it ideal for exploring the country's diverse landscapes and cultural attractions.
EUR - Euro (€)
XOF - West African CFA Franc (CFA)
The recommended main transportation in Burkina Faso is by car or bus. This is due to the limited availability and reliability of public transportation such as trains and airplanes. Additionally, the road infrastructure in Burkina Faso is generally better suited for cars and buses.


Discover the rich natural beauty and vibrant culture of Burkina Faso. From its stunning landscapes to its lively music and dance traditions, there's so much to explore in this West African gem. Plan your trip to Burkina Faso and experience an unforgettable adventure.


1. Rich cultural heritage: Visit the vibrant markets and cultural festivals to experience the traditional music, dance, and crafts of Burkina Faso.
2. Stunning natural landscapes: Explore the unique rock formations of the Sindou Peaks and the breathtaking waterfalls of the Karfiguela Falls.
3. Authentic local cuisine: Indulge in the flavors of Burkina Faso with traditional dishes like riz au gras, tô, and tasty street food offerings.
4. Historical attractions: Discover the ancient ruins of Loropeni, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the impressive mud-brick mosques in Bobo-Dioulasso.
5. Warm hospitality: Immerse yourself in the welcoming and friendly nature of the Burkinabé people and learn about their traditions and customs.
6. Adventure opportunities: Go on a safari in the Po National Park to spot elephants, lions, and giraffes, or trek through the beautiful countryside on a hiking or biking expedition.
7. Engaging festivals: Plan your trip to coincide with the FESPACO film festival, the International Arts and Crafts Fair, or the W National Park's hippo festival for a unique cultural experience.