
Antigua and Barbuda

North America

Discover the Unique Charm of Antigua and Barbuda - A Tropical Paradise Awaits

Know before you go

The timezone of Antigua and Barbuda is Atlantic Standard Time (AST), which is UTC-4.
The official languages of Antigua and Barbuda are English.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Antigua and Barbuda is during the drier and cooler months of December to April. This is when the islands experience the most comfortable weather and lower chances of rain. Additionally, this period coincides with the peak tourist season, offering a wide range of events, festivals, and activities to enjoy.
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The recommended main transportation in Antigua and Barbuda is typically by car or taxi. There is also a limited public bus system available for traveling around the islands.


Discover the beautiful beaches and rich history of Antigua and Barbuda, a stunning Caribbean destination perfect for your next vacation. From its crystal-clear waters to its charming villages, there's so much to explore in this tropical paradise.


1. Pristine beaches: Antigua and Barbuda boasts some of the most beautiful and picture-perfect beaches in the Caribbean, with crystal-clear waters and soft white sand.

2. Water sports paradise: Visitors can enjoy a wide range of water sports, including snorkeling, scuba diving, sailing, and kiteboarding, thanks to the country's warm and calm waters.

3. Rich history and culture: Explore the island's fascinating history and culture through its colonial architecture, historic sites, and vibrant festivals, such as the Antigua Carnival.

4. Delicious cuisine: Indulge in the local flavors of Antiguan and Barbudan cuisine, which feature fresh seafood, tropical fruits, and unique dishes influenced by African, Creole, and European traditions.

5. Eco-tourism opportunities: Nature lovers can explore the country's diverse landscapes, including lush rainforests, mangrove swamps, and the famous Frigate Bird Sanctuary on Barbuda.

6. Luxury resorts and spas: Experience world-class accommodations and rejuvenating spa treatments at the many luxury resorts and hotels located on the islands.

7. Warm and welcoming locals: Visitors can expect to be greeted with genuine hospitality from the friendly and laid-back local population, making for a truly memorable and authentic Caribbean experience.