


Discover the Natural Wonders and Rich History of Zimbabwe: A Must-Visit Destination!

Know before you go

The timezone of Zimbabwe is Central Africa Time (CAT), which is UTC+2.
The official languages of Zimbabwe are English, Shona, and Sindebele.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Zimbabwe is during the dry season, which typically runs from May to October. During this time, the weather is cooler and wildlife viewing is at its best, especially at popular national parks such as Hwange and Mana Pools. However, it's worth noting that wildlife spotting is often easier during the drier months as the animals congregate around water sources. If you are interested in experiencing Victoria Falls at its fullest, the best time to visit is from February to May when the water levels are at their highest.
EUR - Euro (€)
BWP - Botswanan Pula (P)
The recommended main transportation in Zimbabwe is by road, using buses or cars. Public transport in the form of buses and minivans is widely available for both short and long-distance travel within the country.


Discover the rich culture and diverse wildlife of Zimbabwe, located in southern Africa. Explore the stunning Victoria Falls, go on a safari in one of its many national parks, and learn about its fascinating history and people. Plan your unforgettable adventure to Zimbabwe today.


1. Rich cultural heritage: Zimbabwe is home to a diverse array of ethnic groups and traditions, making it a fascinating destination for those interested in learning about different cultures.

2. Victoria Falls: One of the seven natural wonders of the world, Victoria Falls is a must-see for any tourist visiting Zimbabwe. The sheer beauty and power of the waterfall are simply awe-inspiring.

3. Hwange National Park: This vast national park is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, and giraffes, making it a great destination for animal lovers and safari enthusiasts.

4. Great Zimbabwe Ruins: This historic site is a testament to the country's rich history and features impressive stone structures that date back to the 11th century.

5. Adventure activities: From white-water rafting on the Zambezi River to bungee jumping off Victoria Falls Bridge, Zimbabwe offers plenty of adrenaline-pumping activities for adventure seekers.

6. Local cuisine: Tourists should not miss the opportunity to sample traditional Zimbabwean dishes, such as sadza (a type of maize porridge) and nyama (grilled meat).

7. Warm and welcoming people: Visitors to Zimbabwe can expect to be greeted with warmth and hospitality by the locals, making for a memorable and enjoyable travel experience.