


Discover the Rich History and Stunning Landscapes of Tunisia

Know before you go

The timezone of Tunisia is Eastern European Time (EET), which is UTC+1. During daylight saving time, it is Eastern European Summer Time (EEST), which is UTC+2.
Arabic is the official language of Tunisia.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Tunisia is during the spring (March to May) and the fall (September to November) when the weather is mild and there are fewer tourists. This allows for better exploration of the country's attractions and cultural sites without the heat of the summer or the potential crowds of the peak tourist season.
EUR - Euro (€)
TND - Tunisian Dinar (د.ت)
The recommended main transportation in Tunisia is the railway system. Tunisia has a well-established railway network that connects major cities and towns, making it a convenient and efficient means of transportation for both locals and visitors.


Tunisia, located in North Africa, is known for its beautiful Mediterranean beaches, ancient ruins, and vibrant markets. Explore the rich history and diverse culture of this fascinating destination, and discover the unique blend of Arab, Berber, and European influences that make Tunisia a must-visit for any traveler.


1. Rich history and culture: Tunisia is home to ancient ruins, medieval cities, and a vibrant mix of Berber, Arab, and French influences, making it a great destination for history and culture enthusiasts.

2. Stunning beaches and resorts: With its long Mediterranean coastline, Tunisia offers beautiful beaches and resorts perfect for sunbathing, water sports, and relaxation.

3. Diverse landscapes: From the Sahara desert in the south to the Atlas Mountains in the north, Tunisia's diverse landscapes provide opportunities for adventure, including desert safaris, hiking, and camel rides.

4. UNESCO World Heritage sites: Tunisia is home to several UNESCO World Heritage sites, including the ancient city of Carthage, the medina of Tunis, and the amphitheater of El Djem, offering unique historical and architectural experiences.

5. Delicious cuisine: Tourists can indulge in the diverse and flavorful Tunisian cuisine, which includes dishes like couscous, tajine, and brik, along with a variety of fresh seafood and Mediterranean flavors.

6. Hospitable locals: Visitors to Tunisia can experience the warm hospitality of the locals, known for their friendliness and welcoming nature.

7. Affordable travel destination: With a favorable exchange rate, Tunisia offers a relatively affordable travel experience compared to other Mediterranean destinations, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious travelers.