
Trinidad and Tobago

North America

Experience the Vibrant Culture and Stunning Nature of Trinidad and Tobago

Know before you go

The timezone of Trinidad and Tobago is Atlantic Standard Time (AST) or Eastern Caribbean Time (ECT), which is UTC-4.
The official languages of Trinidad and Tobago are English and Trinidadian Creole.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Trinidad and Tobago is during the dry season, which typically runs from January to May. This is when you can enjoy sunny weather, fewer crowds, and various festivals and events, such as Carnival. Keep in mind that hurricane season in the Caribbean runs from June to November, so it's best to avoid visiting during this time.
EUR - Euro (€)
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The recommended main transportation in Trinidad and Tobago is using a car or taxi for getting around the islands. Public transportation options such as buses and maxi-taxis are also available for getting around the cities and towns.


Discover the beautiful Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago, known for its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and rich history. Plan your next vacation to this exciting destination and immerse yourself in the diverse flavors and traditions of this tropical paradise.


1. Beautiful Beaches: Trinidad and Tobago is known for its stunning beaches, including the popular Maracas Bay and Pigeon Point Beach.

2. Diverse Wildlife: The country is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, including the famous Leatherback Turtles that nest on its shores.

3. Carnival Experience: Trinidad and Tobago's annual Carnival is a must-see for tourists, featuring vibrant parades, music, and dancing.

4. Cultural Diversity: Visitors can experience the rich cultural heritage of the country, with influences from African, Indian, and European traditions.

5. Scenic Hiking Trails: The islands offer numerous hiking opportunities, including visits to lush rainforests and the picturesque Argyle Waterfall.

6. Local Cuisine: Tourists can indulge in delicious Caribbean cuisine, with staples like roti, doubles, and fresh seafood dishes.

7. Warm Hospitality: Travelers can expect a warm welcome from the locals, known for their friendly and hospitable nature.