


Discover Ancient Silk Road Culture in Tajikistan’s Spectacular Landscapes

Know before you go

The timezone of Tajikistan is GMT+5.
The official languages of Tajikistan are Tajik.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Tajikistan is during the summer months of June to September when the weather is warm and the mountains are accessible for trekking and outdoor activities. However, it's important to note that the high mountain areas may still be cold, so it's advisable to come prepared for varying temperatures.
EUR - Euro (€)
TJS - Tajikistani Somoni (ЅМ)
The recommended main transportation in Tajikistan is by road, as the country has a network of roads connecting its major cities and towns. Public buses and shared taxis are commonly used for transportation within the country. However, it's important to note that road conditions can be challenging in some areas, and traveling by car may also be an option for those who prefer more flexibility and independence in their transportation.


Discover the natural and cultural wonders of Tajikistan, from the stunning Pamir Mountains to the ancient cities along the Silk Road. Plan your adventure and immerse yourself in the rich history and breathtaking landscapes of this Central Asian gem.


1. Rich history and culture: Tajikistan has a long and fascinating history, with influences from various empires and civilizations, making it a rich cultural destination for tourists.

2. Stunning natural beauty: From the breathtaking Pamir Mountains to the serene Iskanderkul Lake, Tajikistan is home to some of the most stunning landscapes in the world, offering endless opportunities for outdoor activities and adventure.

3. Authentic Silk Road experience: As part of the ancient Silk Road, Tajikistan offers a chance to explore historical sites, bazaars, and caravanserais, providing a unique glimpse into the country's past.

4. Warm hospitality: Visitors to Tajikistan can expect to be welcomed with warm hospitality by the locals, who are known for their kindness and friendliness towards tourists.

5. Unique cultural experiences: From traditional dance and music performances to local festivals and rituals, tourists can immerse themselves in the vibrant and diverse culture of Tajikistan.

6. Delicious cuisine: Tajik cuisine is a delightful blend of flavors and spices, with dishes like pilaf, shashlik, and various soups and breads that offer a true taste of the country's culinary heritage.

7. Off-the-beaten-path adventure: With its remote and untouched landscapes, Tajikistan offers adventurous travelers the chance to explore uncharted territories and experience a truly off-the-beaten-path adventure.