
South Sudan


Discover the Untamed Beauty of South Sudan: A Journey like No Other

Know before you go

The timezone of South Sudan is East Africa Time (EAT), which is UTC+3.
The official languages of South Sudan are English and Arabic.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit South Sudan is during the dry season, which runs from November to March. This is when the weather is generally more pleasant and the roads are easier to travel on. Additionally, wildlife viewing is better during this time as animals congregate around water sources. However, it's important to note that South Sudan has experienced conflict and political instability in recent years, so travelers should exercise caution and stay updated on the current situation before planning a trip.
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The recommended main transportation in South Sudan is generally by bus or car, as the country has limited infrastructure for other forms of transport such as railways or air travel. However, it's important to note that the conditions of roads and access to public transportation can vary greatly depending on the region within South Sudan.


Discover the rich culture and natural beauty of South Sudan, a land of diverse landscapes and fascinating traditions. Plan your trip to explore the untapped wilderness and experience the unique heritage of this vibrant African nation.


1. Explore the unique wildlife in the vast national parks, such as Boma National Park and Nimule National Park.
2. Immerse yourself in the rich culture and traditions of the diverse ethnic groups, with opportunities to visit local communities and experience their way of life.
3. Discover the breathtaking natural beauty of the Sudd, the largest swamp in the world, and its diverse ecosystem.
4. Visit the historic town of Juba, with its bustling markets, vibrant music scene, and fascinating museums showcasing the country's history.
5. Experience the traditional Dinka and Nuer cattle camps, where you can witness the ancient practice of cattle herding and learn about the importance of livestock in South Sudanese culture.
6. Embark on a Nile River cruise, offering stunning views, opportunities for birdwatching, and a chance to see the iconic wildlife along the riverbanks.
7. Partake in adventure activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and fishing in the pristine wilderness areas, offering a truly off-the-beaten-path experience for intrepid travelers.