
Solomon Islands


Discover the Natural Wonders of Solomon Islands – A Tropical Paradise

Know before you go

The timezone of Solomon Islands is UTC+11.
The official languages of Solomon Islands are English, Pijin, and various indigenous languages.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit the Solomon Islands is during the dry season, which is from April to October. This is when the weather is the most pleasant, with lower humidity and less chance of rainfall. Additionally, the water visibility for diving and snorkeling is at its best during these months.
EUR - Euro (€)
SBD - Solomon Islands Dollar (SI$)
The recommended main transportation in the Solomon Islands is by boat. Due to the country's geographical makeup, which includes many islands, boat travel is often the most practical and efficient way to get around. Additionally, the Solomon Islands has a limited road network, so boat travel is often the best option for inter-island travel.


Discover the pristine beauty of the Solomon Islands, an idyllic destination surrounded by crystal-clear waters and lush rainforests. Explore a rich culture, vibrant marine life, and untouched natural landscapes in this hidden gem of the South Pacific. Plan your next adventure to the Solomon Islands today.


1. World-class diving and snorkeling in crystal-clear waters teeming with marine life.

2. Rich cultural heritage with traditional dance performances and historic sites.

3. Stunning tropical landscapes, including lush rainforests and pristine beaches

4. Unique wildlife encounters, such as birdwatching and seeing the endangered dugong

5. Opportunities for adventure activities like hiking, kayaking, and paddleboarding

6. Delicious seafood and traditional Melanesian cuisine to indulge in

7. Friendly and welcoming locals eager to share their customs and way of life with visitors