
San Marino


Discover the Charms of San Marino: A Tiny Nation with Big Splendor

Know before you go

The timezone of San Marino is Central European Time (CET), which is UTC+1.
The official languages of San Marino are Italian.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit San Marino is during the spring and early summer, from April to June. This is when the weather is mild and most attractions are open for visitors to enjoy. Avoid visiting during the hot summer months when many locals are on vacation, or in the colder winter months when some attractions may be closed.
EUR - Euro (€)
EUR - Euro (€)
The recommended main transportation in San Marino is by car or motorcycle due to the country's small size and limited public transportation options.


Discover the charming beauty of San Marino, a small European country nestled in the Apennine Mountains. Explore its rich history, medieval architecture, and stunning views, making it a unique destination for travelers seeking a picturesque escape.


1. Rich history and cultural heritage: San Marino is the world's oldest surviving republic, nestled in the heart of Italy, offering visitors a unique blend of ancient history, medieval architecture, and beautiful countryside.

2. Stunning panoramic views: Visitors can take in breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside and the Adriatic Sea from the top of Mount Titano, where the historic city of San Marino is perched.

3. Unique UNESCO World Heritage sites: San Marino is home to several UNESCO World Heritage-listed historic sites, including the three towers, Basilica di San Marino, and the ancient city walls.

4. Charming medieval towns: Visitors can explore the picturesque medieval towns and villages, such as Borgo Maggiore and Serravalle, with their narrow cobblestone streets, charming shops, and traditional eateries.

5. Outdoor adventures: The rugged terrain surrounding San Marino offers opportunities for hiking, mountain biking, and rock climbing, with stunning natural landscapes to discover.

6. Festivals and events: Visitors can immerse themselves in San Marino's rich cultural traditions by participating in local festivals, celebrations, and events, such as the famous San Marino Grand Prix.

7. Shopping and dining: San Marino is a shopper's paradise, with a wide range of duty-free stores offering luxury goods at competitive prices, and a variety of charming restaurants and cafes serving up delicious local cuisine.