

North America

Explore Panama: Where Vibrant Culture Meets Pristine Nature and Endless Adventure!

Know before you go

The timezone of Panama is Eastern Standard Time (EST) or Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) depending on the time of year.
The official language of Panama is Spanish.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Panama is during the dry season, which runs from mid-December to mid-April. This is when you can enjoy sunnier weather and fewer rain showers, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities and beach vacations. Keep in mind that the dry season is also the peak tourist season, so you may encounter larger crowds and higher prices for accommodations. If you prefer to avoid the crowds, consider visiting during the shoulder seasons of May to November, when the weather is still pleasant and there are fewer tourists. However, be prepared for occasional rain showers during this time.
EUR - Euro (€)
PAB - Panamanian Balboa (B/.)
The recommended main transportation in Panama is by car, as it offers the most flexibility and convenience for getting around the country. Additionally, there are also buses and taxis available for getting around in cities and between major towns.


Explore the natural beauty and rich cultural heritage of Panama. From the Panama Canal to lush rainforests and stunning beaches, there's something for every traveler to discover in this Central American gem. Plan your next adventure to Panama today.


1. Explore the Panama Canal, one of the world's greatest engineering feats.
2. Unwind at the beautiful beaches of Bocas del Toro and San Blas Islands.
3. Visit the historic Casco Viejo, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with charming colonial architecture.
4. Experience the diverse wildlife at the Gamboa Rainforest and Soberania National Park.
5. Take a boat tour of the Guna Yala (San Blas) archipelago and immerse in the indigenous culture.
6. Indulge in delicious Panamanian cuisine, including ceviche and empanadas.
7. Shop for traditional crafts and souvenirs at the local markets in Panama City and beyond.