


Discover the Grand Duchy: Luxembourg's Charming Culture and Stunning Landscapes Await!

Know before you go

The timezone of Luxembourg is Central European Time (CET), which is UTC+1 in the standard time and UTC+2 during daylight saving time.
The official languages of Luxembourg are Luxembourgish, French, and German.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Luxembourg is during the months of May to September, when the weather is mild and pleasant. This is the peak tourist season, so you can enjoy outdoor activities, festivals, and events. Keep in mind that prices may be higher during this time and popular attractions may be more crowded.
EUR - Euro (€)
EUR - Euro (€)
The recommended main transportation in Luxembourg is to use public transportation, such as buses and trains. The country has a well-developed public transportation system that is reliable and efficient for getting around.


Luxembourg is a small European country known for its historic architecture, beautiful landscapes, and high standard of living. Discover the enchanting beauty of Luxembourg and explore its rich cultural heritage. Find out more about traveling to this picturesque destination and plan your next unforgettable experience in Luxembourg.


1. Rich history and culture: Luxembourg has a long and fascinating history, with a mix of Roman, French, and German influences, making it a great destination for history buffs and culture enthusiasts.

2. Stunning castles and fortifications: The country is home to some of the most beautiful castles and fortifications in Europe, including the UNESCO-listed Old Town of Luxembourg City and the impressive Vianden Castle.

3. Natural beauty: Despite its small size, Luxembourg is home to picturesque countryside, charming villages, and beautiful hiking and cycling trails, offering visitors the chance to get out and explore the great outdoors.

4. Multilingual and multicultural: Luxembourg is a melting pot of cultures and languages, with Luxembourgish, French, and German being the official languages. This diversity adds to the unique charm and atmosphere of the country.

5. Culinary delights: Visitors can enjoy a diverse range of culinary experiences, from traditional Luxembourgish dishes to Michelin-starred restaurants, all while savoring the country's excellent wines and beers.

6. Quaint villages and towns: From the quaint village of Echternach to the picturesque town of Clervaux, Luxembourg is dotted with charming spots that offer a glimpse into traditional local life.

7. Convenient location: Located in the heart of Europe, Luxembourg is an excellent base for exploring neighboring countries such as Belgium, France, and Germany, making it a great starting point for a European adventure.