


Discover the Rich History and Stunning Landscapes of Lithuania!

Know before you go

The timezone of Lithuania is Eastern European Time (EET) and Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) during daylight saving time.
The official language of Lithuania is Lithuanian.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Lithuania is during the summer months, specifically from June to August. This is when the weather is warm, nature is in full bloom, and many cultural events and festivals take place. Additionally, the longer daylight hours allow for more exploration of the country's beautiful landscapes and historical sites.
EUR - Euro (€)
EUR - Euro (€)
The recommended main transportation in Lithuania is by car. Public transportation is also available in the form of buses, trains, and trolleybuses, but having a car provides greater flexibility for getting around the country.


Explore the captivating culture and breathtaking landscapes of Lithuania, a hidden gem in Eastern Europe. Plan your next adventure to discover its historic cities, charming villages, and stunning natural beauty.


1. Breathtaking Old Town in Vilnius: Explore the historic and beautiful old town of Lithuania's capital city, filled with charming cobblestone streets, stunning architecture, and lively cafes.

2. Hill of Crosses: Visit this unique and sacred pilgrimage site, where thousands of crosses of all sizes and designs stand as a symbol of Lithuanian faith and resistance to oppression.

3. Trakai Island Castle: Discover the fairytale-like Trakai Island Castle, located on an island in Lake Galve. This well-preserved medieval fortress offers a fascinating glimpse into Lithuania's history.

4. Curonian Spit: Enjoy the stunning natural beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage site, featuring pristine beaches, sand dunes, and unique wildlife, perfect for outdoor activities and relaxation.

5. Traditional Lithuanian Cuisine: Indulge in delicious local dishes such as cepelinai (potato dumplings filled with meat), kugelis (potato pudding), and šaltibarščiai (cold beet soup) for an authentic taste of Lithuanian culture.

6. Baltic Sea Coastline: Experience the picturesque coastline of Lithuania, dotted with charming fishing villages, sandy beaches, and seaside resorts for a relaxing and scenic escape.

7. Festivals and Events: Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Lithuania by attending one of the many festivals and events that take place throughout the year, from music and arts festivals to traditional celebrations and fairs.