


Discover the Rich Culture and History of Kuwait: A Must-Visit Destination

Know before you go

The timezone of Kuwait is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+3).
The official language of Kuwait is Arabic.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Kuwait is during the winter months, from November to March, when the weather is cooler and more comfortable for outdoor activities. During this time, you can also experience local festivals and events, as well as enjoy the cultural attractions without the extreme heat of the summer months.
EUR - Euro (€)
KWD - Kuwaiti Dinar (د.ك)
The recommended main transportation in Kuwait is by car. Kuwait has a well-developed road network and driving is the most common way of getting around the country. Public transportation in Kuwait is also available but may not be as convenient as driving, especially for getting to remote areas.


Discover the rich cultural heritage and modern developments of Kuwait, a small but vibrant country in the heart of the Middle East. From its stunning coastline to its bustling city life, Kuwait offers a unique blend of traditional charm and contemporary progress. Plan your visit to experience the hospitality of its people and explore its diverse attractions.


1. Rich history and culture: Experience the vibrant cultural heritage of Kuwait through its museums, historic landmarks, and traditional markets.

2. Beautiful beaches: Relax and unwind on the stunning beaches of Kuwait, offering crystal-clear waters and white sandy shores.

3. Delicious cuisine: Indulge in the delicious and diverse Kuwaiti cuisine, from fresh seafood to traditional dishes like machboos and harees.

4. Modern architecture: Explore the impressive modern architecture of Kuwait City, including the iconic Kuwait Towers and the impressive skyline.

5. Shopping opportunities: Discover unique local crafts, designer boutiques, and luxury shopping malls in Kuwait, offering a wide range of shopping experiences for tourists.

6. Desert adventures: Embark on a desert safari and explore the breathtaking desert landscapes of Kuwait, including opportunities for dune bashing and camel riding.

7. Friendly locals: Experience the warm hospitality of the Kuwaiti people, known for their friendly and welcoming nature towards tourists.