


Discover Paradise on Earth in Kiribati: A Heavenly Island Escape

Know before you go

The timezone of Kiribati is UTC+12.
The official languages of Kiribati are English and Gilbertese.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Kiribati is during the dry season, which typically runs from May to September. This is when the weather is cooler and there is less chance of rain, making it the ideal time for outdoor activities and sightseeing. However, it's important to note that Kiribati is a remote and small island nation, and travel and accommodations may require careful planning.
EUR - Euro (€)
AUD - Australian Dollar ($)
The recommended main transportation in Kiribati is by boat or ferry, as the country is made up of many small islands and atolls. There are also small domestic airlines that operate within the country.


Discover the beauty of Kiribati, a remote island nation in the central Pacific Ocean. With its pristine beaches, stunning coral reefs, and rich cultural heritage, Kiribati offers a unique and unforgettable destination for travelers seeking adventure and natural wonders.


1. Pristine Beaches: Kiribati is home to some of the most beautiful and unspoiled beaches in the world, offering crystal clear waters and white sandy shores.

2. Diverse Marine Life: The country is a paradise for snorkeling and diving enthusiasts, with its rich and colorful marine life, including vibrant coral reefs and a variety of tropical fish species.

3. Cultural Immersion: Tourists can experience the unique culture and traditions of Kiribati by participating in local dances, visiting traditional villages, and learning about the history of the islands.

4. World-Class Fishing: Fishing enthusiasts can enjoy the abundant and diverse fish species in Kiribati's waters, including opportunities for deep-sea and fly fishing.

5. Remote Island Exploration: Kiribati is comprised of 33 atolls and islands, providing opportunities for visitors to explore untouched and remote landscapes, and experience true tranquility away from the crowds.

6. Birdwatching: The country is a haven for birdwatchers, with numerous species of seabirds and migratory birds that can be observed in their natural habitats.

7. Sustainable Tourism: Kiribati offers opportunities for eco-friendly and sustainable tourism, allowing visitors to support local conservation efforts and minimize their impact on the environment.