


Discover the Vibrant Culture and Timeless Traditions of Japan

Know before you go

The timezone of Japan is Japan Standard Time (JST), which is UTC+9.
The official language of Japan is Japanese.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Japan is typically in the spring (March to May) or autumn (September to November) when the weather is mild and the cherry blossoms or fall foliage are at their peak. However, this may vary depending on the specific activities or regions you are interested in visiting.
EUR - Euro (€)
JPY - Japanese Yen (¥)
The recommended main transportation in Japan is the extensive and reliable railway system, including the famous Shinkansen high-speed trains. This mode of transportation is efficient and covers most parts of the country, making it the preferred choice for many travelers and locals.


Discover the beauty and allure of Japan, a country rich in tradition, modern marvels, and stunning natural landscapes. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the serene temples of Kyoto, immerse yourself in a one-of-a-kind cultural experience. Explore the delicate art of sushi, witness the majestic cherry blossoms, and embrace the harmony of ancient customs with a contemporary twist. Let Japan captivate you with its unique blend of history, innovation, and hospitality.


1. Rich cultural heritage - Japan is home to ancient traditions, stunning temples, and beautiful gardens, offering tourists a unique cultural experience.
2. Delicious cuisine - From sushi and ramen to tempura and wagyu beef, Japan offers a wide variety of delicious and diverse culinary delights.
3. Beautiful natural landscapes - From Mount Fuji to cherry blossom trees, Japan's natural beauty is breathtaking and worth exploring.
4. Advanced technology - Known for its innovation and modernity, Japan offers tourists a glimpse into the future with its high-tech cities and futuristic gadgets.
5. Unique shopping experiences - From traditional markets to high-end designer stores, Japan offers a diverse and exciting shopping experience for tourists.
6. World-class entertainment - Whether it's traditional arts such as Kabuki or modern anime and manga, Japan offers a wide range of entertainment options for tourists.
7. Hospitable locals - Japanese people are known for their hospitality and polite nature, making tourists feel welcome and at home during their visit.