


Iraq: A Rich Tapestry of History, Culture, and Adventure Awaits

Know before you go

The timezone of Iraq is Eastern European Time (EET), which is UTC+3.
Arabic is the official language of Iraq.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Iraq is in the spring (April and May) and the autumn (September and October), when the weather is moderate and comfortable for outdoor activities. It's also advisable to check the current political and security situation in the country before planning a visit.
EUR - Euro (€)
IQD - Iraqi Dinar (د.ع)
The recommended main transportation in Iraq is typically by car, as the country has an extensive road network and driving is a common mode of transportation for getting around. Public transportation, such as buses and taxis, is also available in major cities like Baghdad.


Discover the rich history and vibrant culture of Iraq, a country filled with ancient sites, bustling cities, and stunning natural landscapes. Explore the unique attractions, delicious cuisine, and friendly locals that make Iraq a must-visit destination for any traveler.


1. Explore the rich history of Mesopotamia by visiting ancient sites such as the ruins of Babylon and the citadel of Erbil.
2. Experience the diverse cultures of Iraq by visiting the bustling markets and enjoying traditional Iraqi cuisine.
3. Take a tour of the beautiful natural landscapes, including the marshlands of the south and the mountainous regions of Kurdistan.
4. Visit the holy shrines and pilgrimage sites, such as the Imam Hussein Shrine in Karbala and the Al-Askari Shrine in Samarra.
5. Enjoy the vibrant nightlife and entertainment scene in cities like Baghdad and Erbil, including restaurants, cafes, and cultural events.
6. Participate in adventure activities, such as hiking, camping, and water sports in the scenic regions of Iraq.
7. Learn about the modern history and political landscape of Iraq by visiting museums and monuments related to recent conflicts and developments.