


Iceland: The Land of Fire and Ice, Where Adventure Awaits!

Know before you go

The timezone of Iceland is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Western European Time (WET) UTC±0.
The official language of Iceland is Icelandic.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Iceland is during the summer months, from June to August, when the weather is milder and the days are long, providing plenty of daylight to explore the stunning landscapes and natural attractions.
EUR - Euro (€)
ISK - Icelandic Króna (kr)
The recommended main transportation in Iceland is usually a car, as it allows for the flexibility to explore the country's diverse landscapes and remote areas. Public transportation options, such as buses, are available, but having a car is often more convenient for getting around.


Iceland, the land of fire and ice, boasts stunning natural beauty with its glaciers, hot springs, and rugged landscapes. Explore the unique culture and history of this Nordic island while enjoying outdoor activities like hiking, whale watching, and soaking in geothermal pools. Plan your unforgettable adventure to Iceland and experience the magic of this breathtaking destination.


1. Breathtaking natural beauty: Iceland is known for its stunning landscapes, including waterfalls, geysers, and glaciers.
2. Unique geothermal hot springs: Visitors can experience the country's natural hot springs, such as the world-famous Blue Lagoon.
3. Northern lights: Iceland is one of the best places in the world to see the mesmerizing aurora borealis.
4. Outdoor adventure: From hiking and glacier walking to whale watching and ice cave exploration, Iceland offers a wide range of thrilling outdoor activities.
5. Rich culture and history: Visitors can explore traditional Icelandic culture, including its music, literature, and folklore, as well as historical sites such as the Þingvellir National Park.
6. Sustainable tourism: Iceland is committed to sustainable tourism practices, making it an attractive destination for environmentally conscious travelers.
7. Vibrant capital city: Reykjavik offers a dynamic arts and music scene, lively nightlife, and delicious Icelandic cuisine, making it a must-visit for any tourist.