


Discover the vibrant culture and stunning landscapes of Guinea

Know before you go

The timezone of Guinea is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
The official languages of Guinea are French.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Guinea is during the dry season, which typically lasts from November to April. During this time, the weather is more pleasant and there is less risk of malaria and other mosquito-borne illnesses. Additionally, many of Guinea's festivals and cultural events take place during this time, providing a unique and festive experience for visitors.
EUR - Euro (€)
GNF - Guinean Franc (FG)
The recommended main transportation in Guinea is by car, as the road network is the most developed and the most commonly used means of transportation.


Explore the diverse culture and natural beauty of Guinea, located in West Africa. Discover its rich history, vibrant music and dance traditions, and stunning landscapes, including lush forests and beautiful coastline. Plan your adventure to this unique and captivating destination today.


1. Rich cultural heritage: Guinea is home to diverse ethnic groups, each with its own unique traditions, music, and art, making it a vibrant destination for cultural enthusiasts.

2. Natural beauty: From the stunning waterfalls and lush forests of Fouta Djallon to the beautiful beaches of the Guinean coast, the country offers a wide range of natural attractions for visitors to explore.

3. Unique wildlife: Guinea is home to a variety of rare and endangered species, making it a paradise for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts.

4. Historical sites: The country boasts a number of historical sites, including the ancient ruins of the Fouta Djallon and the UNESCO-listed Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, offering insight into Guinea's storied past.

5. Warm hospitality: Visitors to Guinea can expect a warm welcome from the friendly and hospitable local people, making for a memorable and authentic travel experience.

6. Vibrant markets: Guinea's bustling markets offer a snapshot of daily life in the country, with an array of locally made crafts, textiles, and fresh produce to discover.

7. Adventure opportunities: Whether it's trekking through the mountains, exploring the country's waterways, or experiencing traditional ceremonies and festivals, Guinea offers plenty of exciting and unique experiences for adventurous travelers.