


Explore the Rich History and Culture of Germany with a Memorable Vacation

Know before you go

The timezone of Germany is Central European Time (CET), which is UTC+1. However, during Daylight Saving Time, it is Central European Summer Time (CEST), which is UTC+2.
The official language of Germany is German.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Germany is during the summer months, from May to September, when the weather is generally warm and sunny. This time of year also allows for outdoor activities and the opportunity to explore the country's beautiful landscapes and attractions. Additionally, Germany is known for its many festivals and events during the summer months, providing a vibrant cultural experience for visitors.
EUR - Euro (€)
EUR - Euro (€)
The recommended main transportation in Germany is the extensive and efficient railway system, which is operated by Deutsche Bahn (DB). This includes high-speed trains (ICE), regional trains (RE), and S-Bahn services, making it a popular and reliable choice for traveling within the country. Additionally, Germany also has well-developed public transportation networks in cities, including trams, buses, and U-Bahn (subway) systems.


Discover the rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture of Germany. From the picturesque landscapes of the Black Forest to the fascinating historic sites in Berlin, Germany offers a truly unforgettable travel experience. Plan your next adventure in this diverse and dynamic European country.


1. Rich history and culture: Germany is home to a wealth of historical sites, including castles, museums, and remnants of the Berlin Wall, providing visitors with a look into the country's diverse past.
2. Scenic natural landscapes: From the Black Forest to the Bavarian Alps, Germany offers stunning natural beauty, perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing, and cycling.
3. Delicious cuisine and beer: Taste traditional German dishes such as bratwurst, schnitzel, and pretzels, and sample a variety of world-renowned German beers.
4. Vibrant cities: Explore the bustling cities of Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg, each offering its own unique blend of modern architecture, historical landmarks, and vibrant nightlife.
5. Oktoberfest: Experience the world's largest beer festival in Munich, with lively celebrations, traditional music, and, of course, plenty of beer and food.
6. Christmas markets: Visit Germany during the holiday season to enjoy the charming Christmas markets, filled with handmade crafts, festive decorations, and delicious seasonal treats.
7. Efficient transportation: Take advantage of Germany's efficient and reliable public transportation system, making it easy to explore the country's many attractions.