


Discover Eswatini: A Land of Rich Culture, Wildlife, and Adventure Awaits

Know before you go

The timezone of Eswatini is Central Africa Time (CAT), which is UTC+2.
The official languages of Eswatini are Swati and English.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Eswatini is during the cooler, dry season, which runs from May to September. This is also the time when the country is less humid and experiences less rainfall, making it ideal for outdoor activities and wildlife viewing. However, if you're interested in attending cultural events and festivals, then the months of August and September are particularly lively due to the Umhlanga (Reed Dance) and Incwala (Kingship) ceremonies.
EUR - Euro (€)
SZL - Swazi Lilangeni (L)
The recommended main transportation in Eswatini is by car or bus. The country has well-maintained roads and a reliable public transportation system, making it easy to get around by land.


Eswatini, also known as Swaziland, is a small landlocked country in Southern Africa. With its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and diverse wildlife, Eswatini is a hidden gem for travelers seeking an authentic African experience. Discover the beauty of Eswatini and immerse yourself in its vibrant traditions and natural wonders.


1. Rich cultural heritage: Eswatini, formerly known as Swaziland, is home to a vibrant and diverse culture, with traditional ceremonies, music, and dance that provide a fascinating insight into the country's history and traditions.

2. Stunning natural beauty: From the rolling hills of the Ezulwini Valley to the wildlife-rich Hlane Royal National Park, Eswatini offers breathtaking landscapes and diverse ecosystems for nature lovers to explore and enjoy.

3. Unique wildlife experiences: Visitors to Eswatini can embark on thrilling game drives and guided walks to spot a variety of wildlife, including rhinos, crocodiles, and a wide array of bird species in the country's national parks and reserves.

4. Adventure activities: Eswatini is a haven for thrill-seekers, offering opportunities for mountain biking, hiking, rock climbing, and white-water rafting in its picturesque natural surroundings.

5. Rich arts and crafts scene: The country's markets and craft centers are filled with beautiful handmade goods, including traditional fabrics, intricate beadwork, and wood carvings, providing the perfect opportunity to purchase unique souvenirs and support local artisans.

6. Festivals and events: Eswatini hosts a range of colorful and vibrant cultural events and festivals throughout the year, such as the Umhlanga Reed Dance and Incwala ceremonies, providing an immersive and authentic experience for visitors.

7. Warm and welcoming locals: The people of Eswatini are renowned for their hospitality and friendliness, making visitors feel at home and providing an enriching cultural experience during their stay.