


Discover the Hidden Treasures of Eritrea: A Journey of Cultural Exploration

Know before you go

The timezone of Eritrea is East Africa Time (EAT), which is 3 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+3).
The official languages of Eritrea are Tigrinya, Arabic, and English.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Eritrea is during the cooler months of November to February, when temperatures are milder and the likelihood of rain is lower. This is the peak tourist season in Eritrea, making it an ideal time to explore the country's historical sites and natural attractions.
EUR - Euro (€)
ERN - Eritrean Nakfa (Nfk)
The main mode of transportation in Eritrea is typically buses and microbuses for traveling within and between cities. There are also some private taxis and minibuses available for transportation. However, the country's transportation infrastructure is still developing, so options may be limited in some areas.


Eritrea, located in the Horn of Africa, is a country with a rich cultural heritage and stunning natural beauty. From its vibrant markets to its historic architecture, Eritrea offers a unique and authentic experience for travelers. Explore its diverse landscapes, including the stunning Red Sea coast and lush highlands, and discover the warmth and hospitality of its people. Plan your visit to Eritrea and experience a truly unforgettable adventure.


1. Rich cultural diversity: Eritrea is home to a variety of ethnic groups, each with their own unique traditions, music, and cuisine. Tourists can explore the vibrant cultural scene and interact with local communities.

2. Scuba diving and snorkeling opportunities: With its pristine coastline along the Red Sea, Eritrea offers exceptional opportunities for underwater exploration. Visitors can witness colorful coral reefs, marine life, and shipwrecks.

3. Historical architecture: Eritrea boasts a mix of colonial-era Italian and Ottoman architecture, particularly in its capital city Asmara. Tourists can marvel at the well-preserved buildings and learn about the country's complex history.

4. Unique wildlife: Eritrea is home to diverse wildlife, including rare species such as the endangered African wild ass and the Dahlak Archipelago's seabirds. Wildlife enthusiasts can enjoy birdwatching and wildlife safaris.

5. Cultural festivals and events: Throughout the year, Eritrea hosts various cultural festivals, music events, and religious celebrations, providing tourists with the opportunity to experience the country's traditions and festivities.

6. Spectacular landscapes: From the Danakil Depression's otherworldly salt flats to the lush highlands and rugged mountains, Eritrea's landscapes are diverse and breathtaking. Tourists can embark on hiking adventures and photography tours.

7. Delicious cuisine: Eritrean cuisine is known for its rich flavors and variety of dishes, including injera (sourdough flatbread) and spicy stews. Tourists can indulge in the country's culinary delights at local restaurants and markets.