

South America

Discover the Beauty of Colombia: Rich Culture, Stunning Landscapes

Know before you go

The timezone of Colombia is UTC-5.
The official language of Colombia is Spanish.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Colombia is generally during the dry season, which runs from December to March and July to August. This is when you can enjoy the country's beautiful landscapes and outdoor activities without as much risk of rain ruining your plans. However, Colombia's diverse climate means that different regions may have varying best times to visit, so it's best to research the specific areas you plan to visit before making plans.
EUR - Euro (€)
COP - Colombian Peso ($)
The recommended main transportation in Colombia is buses, as they are widely available and affordable for getting around the country. Additionally, Colombia has a well-developed network of domestic flights for covering longer distances.


Explore the rich cultural heritage and stunning natural beauty of Colombia. From the vibrant cities to the lush rainforests and pristine beaches, Colombia offers a diverse range of experiences for travelers seeking adventure, relaxation, and cultural enrichment. Discover the flavors of Colombian cuisine, the warmth of its people, and the enchanting landscapes that make this country a top destination for any traveler.


1. Rich culture and history: Experience the vibrant culture and learn about the country's fascinating history through its museums, historical sites, and colorful festivals.
2. Breathtaking landscapes: Explore the diverse landscapes of Colombia, from lush rainforests and towering mountains to pristine beaches and picturesque coffee plantations.
3. Thriving city life: Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of cities like Bogota, Medellin, and Cartagena, known for their modern amenities, bustling nightlife, and delicious cuisine.
4. Adventure activities: Embark on adrenaline-pumping adventures such as hiking to the Lost City, paragliding in the Andes, and diving in the Caribbean Sea.
5. Coffee tours: Discover the origins of some of the world's finest coffee on a guided tour through Colombia's coffee region, known for its breathtaking landscapes and delicious brews.
6. Ecotourism opportunities: Indulge in eco-friendly activities such as birdwatching in the Amazon rainforest, exploring national parks, and wildlife spotting in the Andes.
7. Warm and welcoming locals: Interact with the friendly and hospitable Colombian people, known for their warmth and welcoming nature towards tourists.