


Discover Vibrant Bulgaria: A Land of Historic Wonders and Natural Beauty

Know before you go

The timezone of Bulgaria is Eastern European Time (EET), which is UTC+2 during standard time and UTC+3 during daylight savings time.
The official language of Bulgaria is Bulgarian.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Bulgaria is during the late spring (April and May) or early autumn (September and October) when the weather is pleasant and there are fewer crowds. These are also great times to explore the beautiful countryside and historic towns without the intense heat of summer or the cold of winter. Travelers interested in skiing and winter sports may want to visit during the winter months.
EUR - Euro (€)
BGN - Bulgarian Lev (лв)
The recommended main transportation in Bulgaria is by car or public transportation, such as buses and trains.


Bulgaria is a beautiful country located in Southeastern Europe, known for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. From the majestic mountains to the charming coastal towns, Bulgaria offers a diverse and unique experience for travelers. Explore the ancient ruins, sample delicious local cuisine, and immerse yourself in the warm hospitality of the Bulgarian people. With its growing popularity as a tourist destination, Bulgaria is definitely a must-visit for any traveler seeking an authentic and unforgettable experience.


1. Rich history and culture: Bulgaria has a long and fascinating history, with many historical sites and cultural landmarks to explore, such as the ancient city of Plovdiv and the Rila Monastery.

2. Beautiful natural landscapes: From the Black Sea coast to the mountainous landscapes of the Balkan mountains, Bulgaria offers stunning natural beauty for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers.

3. Affordable travel destination: Bulgaria offers great value for tourists, with affordable accommodation, food, and transportation options.

4. Delicious cuisine: Visitors can enjoy traditional Bulgarian dishes such as banitsa, kebapche, and shopska salad, as well as world-renowned Bulgarian wine and yogurt.

5. Vibrant cities: From the capital city of Sofia to the seaside town of Varna, Bulgaria's cities offer a mix of historical architecture, bustling markets, and lively nightlife.

6. Rich folklore and traditions: Visitors can immerse themselves in Bulgarian folklore and traditions, from traditional music and dance to colorful festivals and rituals.

7. Outdoor activities: Whether it's skiing in the winter, hiking in the summer, or exploring the diverse wildlife and national parks, Bulgaria offers a range of outdoor activities for adventurous travelers.