


Discover the Cultural Wonders of Benin: A Unique African Adventure awaits you!

Know before you go

The timezone of Benin is West Africa Time (WAT), which is UTC+1.
The official languages of Benin are French.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Benin is during the dry season, which runs from November to February. During this time, the weather is generally cooler and the risk of rain is lower, making it more pleasant for sightseeing and outdoor activities.
EUR - Euro (€)
XOF - West African CFA Franc (CFA)
The recommended main transportation in Benin is by car or taxi. However, there are also public buses and motorcycle taxis known as zemidjans that are commonly used for transportation within the country.


Discover the rich culture and history of Benin, a West African country known for its vibrant music, colorful festivals, and impressive traditional art. Explore the natural beauty of Benin's national parks and pristine beaches, and immerse yourself in the warm hospitality of its diverse communities. Plan your unforgettable adventure to Benin today.


1. Rich Cultural Heritage: Benin is home to several historical sites, including the Royal Palaces of Abomey, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and the Pendjari National Park, offering a glimpse into the country's diverse cultural and natural heritage.

2. Voodoo Festival: Experience the unique Voodoo Festival held annually in Benin, where visitors can witness traditional ceremonies, dances, and rituals of the ancient Vodun religion.

3. Beautiful Beaches: Enjoy the stunning coastline of Benin, with its idyllic beaches, clear waters, and opportunities for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports.

4. Lively Markets: Explore the vibrant markets in cities like Cotonou and Porto-Novo, where visitors can shop for local handicrafts, textiles, and traditional West African goods.

5. Ecotourism: Discover Benin's diverse landscapes, from the lush forests and waterfalls of the Tanougou National Park to the unique floating villages of Lake Nokoué, offering opportunities for eco-friendly tourism.

6. Delicious Cuisine: Sample the delicious and diverse cuisine of Benin, featuring dishes like grilled fish, spicy sauces, and popular street food like akara and fried plantains.

7. Warm Hospitality: Experience the warm and welcoming hospitality of the Beninese people, known for their friendliness and willingness to share their traditions and culture with visitors.