


Explore Austria: Discover Alpine Wonders and Rich Cultural Heritage

Know before you go

The timezone of Austria is Central European Time (CET), which is UTC+1. During Daylight Saving Time, it is Central European Summer Time (CEST), which is UTC+2.
German is the official language of Austria.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Austria is during the summer months, from May to September, when the weather is pleasant and many outdoor activities and events are available. Additionally, Austria is also popular for winter sports, so visiting during the winter months, from November to March, is also a great option for skiing and snowboarding. Ultimately, the best time to visit depends on the traveler's interests and preferred activities.
EUR - Euro (€)
EUR - Euro (€)
The recommended main transportation in Austria is the train. Austria has an extensive and efficient train network that is widely used for both domestic and international travel. Additionally, the country also has a well-developed public transportation system, including trams and buses, especially in cities like Vienna and Salzburg.


Austria, located in the heart of Europe, offers stunning landscapes, historic architecture, and a rich cultural heritage. Explore the charming cities, picturesque alpine villages, and world-renowned ski resorts. Discover the classical music, delicious cuisine, and famous coffeehouse culture. Plan your trip to Austria and immerse yourself in the beauty and history of this enchanting country.


1. Rich cultural heritage: Experience the blend of Baroque architecture, classical music, and traditional Austrian cuisine in cities like Vienna and Salzburg.

2. Stunning natural landscapes: Explore the picturesque Alps, crystal-clear lakes, and charming villages while hiking, skiing, or taking a scenic drive through the countryside.

3. Historical landmarks: Visit iconic sites such as Schönbrunn Palace, Hohensalzburg Fortress, and the historic city center of Graz to delve into Austria's fascinating history.

4. Culinary delights: Indulge in traditional dishes like Wiener Schnitzel, Sachertorte, and strudel, and savor the local wines and beers in historic taverns and cozy cafés.

5. Music and arts: Immerse yourself in the world of Mozart, Beethoven, and Strauss at renowned concert halls and opera houses, or explore modern art galleries and vibrant street art scenes.

6. Festivals and events: Enjoy the festive atmosphere of events like the Vienna Opera Ball, the Salzburg Festival, and the Vienna Christmas markets for a taste of Austrian culture and traditions.

7. Outdoor activities: From world-class skiing and snowboarding in the winter to boating, cycling, and vineyard tours in the warmer months, Austria offers a wide range of outdoor activities for every traveler.