


Discover the Vibrant Culture and Stunning Landscapes of Angola

Know before you go

The timezone of Angola is West Africa Time (WAT), which is 1 hour ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+1).
The official language of Angola is Portuguese.
Best Time to visit
The best time to visit Angola is during the dry season, which runs from May to October. This season offers pleasant weather and ideal conditions for outdoor activities and sightseeing. However, it's also worth noting that Angola's climate can vary by region, so it's best to research the specific area you plan to visit for more detailed information.
EUR - Euro (€)
AOA - Angolan Kwanza (Kz)
The recommended main transportation in Angola is by car or bus, as the country has a limited railway network and air travel can be quite expensive for most locals.


Discover the rich history and diverse culture of Angola. Explore its stunning natural landscapes and vibrant cities. Plan your perfect trip to Angola with our travel guide.


1. Rich cultural heritage: Angola boasts a diverse mix of cultures, including Portuguese, African, and indigenous traditions, offering tourists a unique and immersive experience.

2. Stunning natural attractions: From its beautiful beaches to its lush national parks and breathtaking waterfalls, Angola is a paradise for nature lovers, offering a wide range of outdoor activities.

3. Historical landmarks: Visitors can explore the country's rich history through its numerous historical sites, including colonial-era buildings, ancient rock art, and fascinating museums.

4. Vibrant music and dance scene: Angola is known for its lively music and dance culture, with opportunities to experience traditional performances and modern music festivals throughout the country.

5. Delicious cuisine: Tourists can indulge in Angola's flavorful cuisine, which includes a variety of fresh seafood, exotic fruits, and unique dishes influenced by its diverse cultural heritage.

6. Warm and welcoming people: Visitors can expect to be greeted with hospitality and friendliness by the locals, making their stay in Angola both enjoyable and memorable.

7. Adventurous activities: From hiking in the mountains to exploring the vibrant city life, Angola offers a wide range of adventurous activities for tourists seeking an exciting and authentic experience.